Friday, September 21, 2007

Mission Statement

So where am I taking this blog now that I'm back from Iraq? Good question.

My rate of posting has obviously trailed off precipitously since I left "The Big Dirty." Most of this has to do with how busy I've been transitioning out of one job and into another. Plus I haven't actually spent any weekends at home, having gone to NY for the US Open finals and to Miami for a friend's much-belated 30th birthday party.

It's also partly due to my trying to figure out what I want to write about here. Clearly I'm not devoted to Iraq 24-7 any more. Nor is there any reason for me to post constitutional/legal stuff here -- because I should save that for op-eds and other writing/research that I do in my new career as a recovering lawyer (and even the Cato blog).

So I think I'll stick to what I had in mind when I first envisioned blogging many months ago: This blog will be devoted to my observations from living in Purple America. Purple America, of course, is a state of mind, and represents the confluence of seemingly incongruous cultural and political affinities. My tastes and values reflect that. And that's what I'll be writing about.

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