Sunday, August 5, 2007

My New Roomie

When I got "home" (back to my trailer) today to change and "PT" (work out), I noticed that the other "rack" (bed), heretofore empty and unoccupied, was all of a sudden made and had a pair of combat boots beside it. So, after two weeks of having a private "hooch" (in-theater residence, a term picked up from the Vietnamese 40 years ago), I now have a roommate.

Haven't met him yet, though I deduced by the cap he left on the closet that he was an O-4 in either the Navy or Air Force (their desert uniforms are identical other than the AF's having a special patch on the left upper arm). That is, my roomie was either an Air Force Major or a Navy Lieutenant Commander. Which means two things: 1) If he's active duty, he's about my age or a bit older; and 2) like all USN and USAF personnel here he's in some non-combat specialty (logistics, intelligence, medicine, JAG).

I guess I'll find out later tonight.

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