Monday, July 16, 2007

Distinguished Visitor Quarters

Today, while in the modst of more "hurry up and wait" -- getting our wills in order, seeing the chaplain to pick up the prayer book of your choice, setting up code words for potential hostage situations... you know, the usual -- I was pulled out of line and told that I was a VIP and henceforth would be avoiding such waiting time. So they gave me this red tag, and an escort, and got my military ID (CAC card). It took the personal authorization of an undersecretary of defense to get me said CAC card, but all's well that ends well.

Then I was issued my body armor, which is quite heavy ("the normal [lighter] kevlar stops shrapnel and 9mm rounds, but not machine gun, so we need to give you the [ceramic] inserts" I was told), helmet, and gas mask. Then I was taken to see the company commander, who apologized for not having identified me earlier and promised to transfer me to "distinguished visitor quarters."

And distinguished these quarters are, basically half of a wonderfully furnished house... I guess it's the end of summer camp.

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