Monday, July 23, 2007

Loose Lips Sink Ships

I'm in the process of receiving my Embassy ID, and one of the steps to go through is a security briefing. To wit, Operational Security, or OpSec. Watch what you say in public areas, over a cell phone, on a blog, etc. Now, obviously, I'm not going to write about troop movements or operations in this space (nor would there be reason for me to be privy to such information), but there are other observations, which would otherwise be good flavor for my writing, that I'll have to withhold. And I'm not talking about classified information -- though the powers that be are working on getting me some sort of temporary clearance -- but little tidbits that, when combined with other little tidbits, have the potential for endangering the mission. But don't worry; there's more than enough non-sensitive information to go around.

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